手編cmake3.8.2 on redhat
1. Download source $wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.8/cmake-3.8.2.tar.gz
2. $ tar zxvf cmake-3.8.2.tar.gz
3. $ cd cmake-3.8.2
4. $ ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr
(prefix is very important!! or the system can't find the cmake you installed)
5. $ make
6. $ sudo make install
(gmake also works. However, I don't know the difference between them)
7. $ cmake --version
Check the installed version
2. $ tar zxvf cmake-3.8.2.tar.gz
3. $ cd cmake-3.8.2
4. $ ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr
(prefix is very important!! or the system can't find the cmake you installed)
5. $ make
6. $ sudo make install
(gmake also works. However, I don't know the difference between them)
7. $ cmake --version
Check the installed version